Battlefield update (Total Gaming Network Visits DICE)

11/02/2009 18:07

Battlefield update (Total Gaming Network Visits DICE)

Here is a Q&A with DICE fromTGN

"Q: We’ve seen many people criticizing air balance in BF2, even since version 1.0. Does DICE have any plan to adjust the balance or hitboxes on any of the air vehicles in BF2 with the latest patch?

A: We’ve seen the comments, forum posts and Youtube videos about the F35 vs J10. The main thing to remember is that the hitbox represents the size of the aircraft and the F35 is a lot bigger than the J10. Reducing the hitbox size of the F35 might look like it addresses the imbalance but will also cause other problems as it will look like missiles and bullets are passing through the F35 if the hitbox is smaller than the model.

However what we have done is taken a look at the handling of the J10 and made a few tweaks with the turning ability of the J10 which should bring the two planes into a more balanced state. We want as many people as possible in the open beta of 1.50 to try this out and let us know what they think. "


"Q: What can be done to prevent cheating in the future?

A: We will always be looking at ways of stopping as much cheating as we can with the help of Evenbalance and GameSpy as well as making updates to stop as many cheats as we can. While there is a benefit to cheating, people will keep on doing it so I don’t think we will ever see cheating go away but we can work to prevent it where ever possible in our games.

Q: What will the BF2 1.5 patch do to prevent cheating?

A: We released some information about the changes we have taken to prevent cheating on We have included a new account verification process to make sure the player is who they say they are. Server security and stability changes have been made as well as closing off other cheats based around the Commander assets. We don’t want to give away too much with what we have done to prevent cheating as we don’t want to give the upper hand back to the cheats."

Q: Will 2009 be a good year for the Battlefield fans?

A: Definitely. Its going to be an awesome year.

When I thought the interview was done I unexpectedly found out that DICE had a bomb to drop on me. I was taken to the previously mentioned LAN gaming room where we started up Battlefield 2. A new map will be released with the Battlefield 2 1.5 patch. Also, the same map (albeit in a slightly different context) will be released for Battlefield 2142 in the coming 1.51 patch. Although DICE currently is unable to release the name of the map, (the old name was recently leaked but has been changed) I was allowed to spend 30 minutes playing and taking screenshots of both the BF2 and 2142 versions.






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